May was snowball block exchange month. Each chose a crayola color at a previous meeting to determine what color to make their exchange blocks. |
Then we went around the circle and shared items made for our library fund raiser sale on June 20 (during the outdoor quilt show) - - - holiday candle mats, bags, quilts and more!
Joyce S. is using up scraps to make baby quilts, above and below. |
Lonnie shared this cute purse she made. This is the same pattern she used to make our bag featuring the new Iowa fabric. |
Nancy H. made this quilt for newly wed friends of the family. She calls these quilts "Baby Makers".
Next, Deb gave us an update on her Iowa Comfort Quilts non-profit organization, sharing these quilts made by Jackie O and more pillowcases.
Deb is collecting as many pillowcases as possible for the domestic violence center. Ask us for a free pattern if you would like to make some pillowcases for ICQ.
Diane shared her favorite finger pin cushion used for hand stitching.
Diane told us these are easy to make so, I looked up the pattern. Find it at this link.
Margaret shared these two quilts she finished up. These were both patterns and/or kits from our Sisters of the Cloth 2014 program.
The 2015 program starts in July and registration is open, $35 for all three classes (3rd Saturdays in July, September and November) |
These 9-patch blocks are from a block exchange we did at Sisters of the Cloth. Love this little quilt. |
This is a kit quilt that Margaret just finished up. See close up next. |
Celia brought 2 granddaughters to our May meeting. Maddie has been coming for a while but this is the first meeting for her cousin, Kaitlyn. |
Kaitlyn has been sewing with Grandma Celia for a while, though. Here are two quilts she has made, above and below. Quite impressive, right? |
Janet V shared this scrappy quilt. This is from our Scrappy New Year page on this blog. |
This is a very fun panel that Barb G. shared. It's a baby quilt for her great grand child. |
I shared a few fun patterns and techniques that I picked up at Quilt Market earlier this month. |
I demonstrated the ruler, Folded Corner Trimmer. It adds accuracy to making half squares, flying geese units, corner squares or binding strips while at the same time, trimming dog ears. Pretty slick.
We snacked on cupcakes and called it a day. Thanks as always to Jackie O. for the pictures. |
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