Tuesday, October 12, 2021

It's Open Sew Friday!


This Friday, October 15, is Open Sew at the Adel Library!

Doors open at 9 am. Grab your stuff and come on in.  The tables are not arranged as they were previously. However, the new tables are easier to set up.   They are light weight and on rollers.  Just grab one and set up wherever you want.

Bring your iron, sewing supplies and, at your option, a snack to share.

Show and tell is at 10:30.  If you don't want to come to sew for the day, just drop in for show and tell!

I have a babysitting gig in northern Iowa this weekend so will miss out but hope you all will enjoy a day with quilting buddies, - - - chatting, stitching and sharing ideas.

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