Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Hallows Eve!

More retreat fun

Here's a couple of quilt tops made from striped fabric.

Nancy Sharr has written a pattern for a thread snip bag with a pin cushion and scissor loop. She demonstrated her pattern for us.

Here are few samples. Check out more handcrafted things on her Etsy site.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Purple Bag Special

Do you have one of our Purple Bags? If not, this would be a good time to purchase one for just $4.95.

Come in with your Purple Bag, now through November 9 and purchase any of our Civil War or Kansas Troubles fabrics for just $7 a yard.

One yard minimum. Sale applies to regular width fabrics.

Retreat Show and Tell

We start each retreat with show and tell.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Magnetic Midnight

At retreat, we often see quilts that were featured at previous retreats and have been marinating, waiting their turn.

Here are a couple of such quilts. This one by Nancy Johnson.
And this one by Janet DeJager. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018


RIP, dear Max. You have been a good and faithful friend.

2018 Fall Ladies of the Lake

I forgot to take a picture of Group 1. However, here are several group picdtures. These quilters arrived Monday morning and left Wednesday evening. 

And here is the second group. They came in Thursday morning and will leave Saturday eve.